If you need help coping with a mental health condition or things going on in your life, like loneliness or stress due to a new baby or financial issues, just come to us. We’ll help you navigate your options so you can be happier and healthier. In most cases, we can treat you ourselves, but if you need a specialist, we’ll refer you to the best.
Telemonitoring provides daily knowledge of health status without the need for a clinician or caregiver to be present, thus eliminating gaps in client monitoring and enhancing the ability to identify new trends. Prevents unnecessary hospitalizations or emergency room visits. Encourages adherence to the prescribed care plan. Improves ability to stay independent and in the home.
Visit Your Doctor By Private And Secure Video or Phone Call. Protection of your personal information is our priority.
Avoid the inconvenience and high costs of going to the emergency room or urgent care center.
Prescriptions Can Also Be Issued Online Without The Need Of Hospital Visit.