Best Gynecologists in lingampally

Achieving Excellence in Women’s health

Obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) is a medical specialty that focuses on the female reproductive system and the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth. Vijay Hospitals is one of the best Gynecology Hospitals in Lingampally, chandanagar provides Best Gynecologists to give comprehensive care for women’s reproductive health, including preventive measures, diagnosis, and treatment of reproductive and sexual health problems such as Menstruation and menstrual disorders, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Uterine fibroids, Ovarian cysts, Cervical cancer. The field of gynecology also includes the management of menopause, osteoporosis, and other issues that are unique to women. It is a crucial aspect of women’s health care, and gynaecologists play a vital role in ensuring that women receive the best possible care for their reproductive health needs.

Dr. Pushpa Latha: A Renowned Gynecologist in Hyderabad, India.

  • 15+ Years of Experience in Medical Science, providing quality healthcare.
  • 6500+ Gynecology Surgeries performed with Clinical Excellence, without post-surgery complications.
  • Leading the Team of Gynecologists and Obstetricians at Vijay Hospitals, Serilingampally, Hyderabad, India.
  • Skillful in delicate procedures like Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy and Regular Hysterectomy.
  • Expert in treating all Gynecological diseases and disorders.
  • Excellent assistance in Normal Deliveries & Top-notch knowledge in Cesarean (C-section) Deliveries.
  • Well-skilled in Complex Surgeries for Cervical Malignancy, Endometriosis, and Fibroids Uterus.
  • MBBS from Gandhi Medical College and MD from Osmania University.
  • Trusted by Women for their Reproductive and Sexual Healthcare Needs and considered as one of the Best doctors for Gynaecology and Obstetrics field.

Dr. Pushpalatha
MBBS, MD, DGO(Osmania),
Gynecology, Laparoscopy.

Comprehensive Care for Women’s Reproductive Health and Sexual Health

The field of Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN), devoted exclusively to female healthcare, ensures that the women receive the precise diagnosis and correct treatment for their health concerns. The concerns related to various female body parts such as vagina, cervix, ovaries, uterus and breasts are treated well with utmost care and sensitivity, with the help of modern techniques and technologies. We understand the importance of right guidance in the sexual healthcare concerns for the women in various stages of their life and we create a comfortable environment to discuss the concerns. The amazing experience of pregnancy and childbirth is made furthermore awesome by the assistance of our exceptional team of doctors and technicians.

Common Gynecological Conditions

Compassionate Care, Advanced Medicine,
All Close to Home

Providing Better Healthcare And Better Healthcare Experience

We believe aging should be celebrated, honored, and valued. We do that by meeting the unique needs of our members, promoting their well-being for a stronger, longer life. We offer a comprehensive program that includes a variety of health, social, and support services in a protected, home-like setting during weekday hours. Our program of care is designed to meet the individual needs of adults with health care issues such as Confusion & Memory Loss, including Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Parkinson’s as well as Loneliness & Depression. 

Premium Care

We believe aging should be celebrated, honored, and valued.

Home Examinations

We have you covered whenever you experience any difficulties visiting us. 

Timely Care

We value your time. That is why we get our patients examined in less than an hour.

Menstruation and menstrual disorders

The uterus sheds its lining, or endometrium, once a month and this shedding is accompanied by blood from the vagina, in the absence of pregnancy. This is menstruation and the occurrence of this every month is the menstrual cycle. Menstrual disorders are caused by physiological conditions like vaginal infections, hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and mental conditions like stress, hypertension.
Some of the symptoms are irregular periods, heavy bleeding, absent periods, painful periods, premenstrual syndromes (PMS). And in some serious cases, this may cause infertility.
Some of the Menstrual issues require immediate medical attention and treatment, and some require medical assistance regularly, may not be immediately. The treatments involve pelvic exams, laboratory tests, ultrasound and MRIs.
Why Us:
It is very important to consult an expert doctor who can understand the patients’ concerns and provide the right solution. Our doctors and technicians provide the best treatment followed by the right diagnosis. Regular checkup and screening is important to detect any issues at the early stage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What are the symptoms of PMS?
The symptoms of PreMenstrual Syndrome are Physical and Emotional/Mental. The physical symptoms are Joint or muscle pain, Headache, Backache, Fatigue, Cramping, Weight gain related to fluid retention, Bloating, Breast swollen/tenderness, Acne flare-ups, Irregular bowel movements and Sleeping pattern changes. The Emotional or Mental symptoms are Tension, anxiety, Depression, Mood swings, Food cravings, Aversion towards food, Social detachment, Trouble in focus/concentration/memory, Nil to minimal interest in sexual activities.

2. How to diagnose menstrual disorders?
If there are persistent symptoms related to unusual conditions during periods, before or after periods, then the doctor will conduct a pelvic exam, in addition to regular physical exam. Blood tests and Medical imaging like ultrasound and MRI are prescribed based on the severity of the situation, after the pelvic exam by the doctor. Based on the test results, further tests like Pap test and HPV test are conducted to diagnose the presence of cancerous cells.

3. How does mental stress affect menstruation?
During menstruation cycles and menopause, women go through stress, both physiological and psychological. The hormonal changes during these times affect the mental health of women and causes increase in stress, tension, anxiety, depression. Some of the common mental conditions are
Perimenopausal Depression (depression around the time of menopause), Premenstrual Syndrome – PMS (physical and mental changes before the start of the period), and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder – PMDD (serious, extended form of PMS).

4. Do menstrual disorders affect pregnancy and infertility?
The level of impact of the menstrual disorders in getting pregnant and childbirth, depends upon the disorder. If it is just an irregular period, the risk is very very low in getting pregnant. The menstrual disorders affect the ovulation, balance in hormones. But the risk increases with complications like PCOS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis. The serious conditions of cysts and fibroids affect the pregnancy and childbirth.

5. What are considered as Menstrual disorders?
Some of the common menstrual disorders or problems includes:
– Painful cramps during periods.
– Heavy bleeding, irregular periods, absent period, infrequent periods, bleeding between periods, bleeding after sexual intercourse.
– Fibroids (non-cancerous benign tumors).
– Perimenopausal Depression (depression around the time of menopause).

– Premenstrual Syndrome – PMS (physical and mental changes before the start of the period).
– Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder – PMDD (serious, extended form of PMS).

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common medical condition that affects around 5% to 10% of the women and many women remain unaware of the concern and remain untreated for the PCOS. Many small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) present in the ovaries are, sometimes, caused by the imbalance of female hormones (estrogen) and male hormones (androgen) secretion and the excess secretion of male hormones leads to many poor health
conditions in women. PCOS runs in the family.
PCOS causes irregular periods, absent periods, acne, weight gain leads to obesity, infertility and hormonal imbalance, excessive hair growth in face & body (hirsutism), hair loss.
This condition needs to be treated after diagnosing the severity of the issue. The medical treatment, along with change in lifestyle is required for treating this condition and if not treated at the right time, it may cause diabetes, heart conditions and so on.
Why Us:
PCOS needs the right lifestyle and medication to resolve the medical condition. Our doctors, along with nutrition specialists help in treating the PCOS in the best way. From consulting to every step of the treatment, we care to the fullest.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. How to diagnose PCOS?
Following the symptoms of PCOS like issues in periods, acne, excess hair in face and body, or during regular health checkups, the doctor will do the following tests to diagnose PCOS.
 – Pelvic Exam – to check unusual or abnormal reproductive organs
 – Hormonal Blood Test – to test levels of hormones like testosterone, estrogen
 – Medical Imaging like MRI and Ultrasound – to get clear picture of the ovaries.

2. Does PCOS affect Pregnancy, Childbirth and Fertility?
Pregnancy and childbirth is possible for the women affected by PCOS, but the level of complications are
higher. The hormonal imbalances disturbs the ovulation i.e., growth and release of eggs from ovaries, and this decreases the chance of getting pregnant, leading to infertility. Women with PCOS have high risk of miscarriage or early loss of pregnancy, gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), preeclampsia (sudden increase in blood pressure during pregnancy), preterm delivery, cesarean (c-section) delivery.
3. What are the diseases/disorders caused by PCOS?
Untreated PCOS, with poor lifestyle may lead to serious health complications. This includes –
– Heart problems and other cardiovascular issues
– High blood pressure
– High cholesterol
– Type-2 diabetes & Gestational diabetes
– Infertility
– Endometrial cancer
– Sleep apnea.

4. How does the change in lifestyle affect the PCOS?
A change in lifestyle will help in managing the symptoms of PCOS. Regular exercises, active lifestyle, mind relaxation techniques like meditation, well-balanced healthy diet which includes good dietary fiber, and whole foods, helps in keeping the effects of PCOS under control.

5. Is PCOS curable?
There is no cure for PCOS. But, with proper medication and the right lifestyle, the symptoms can be managed and kept under control and it is possible to lead a normal life without the interference of PCOS.


The endometrium tissues line the uterus internally. And, in the Endometriosis condition, the tissues similar to endometrial tissues grow outside of the uterus. In this disorder, the tissues may be formed on the ovaries, fallopian tubes,and other organs of the pelvis, which may cause severe pain during menstruation, sexual intercourse, urinating and may cause infertility. This condition starts from the first menstruation through menopause. The major
causes are retrograde menstruation (menstrual blood that flows out of the body through vagina, flows back and deposits endometrial-like cells outside the uterus), cellular metaplasia (cells outside the uterus change into endometrial-like cells).
Endometriosis causes pelvic pain, pain in vagina and rectum, pain during sexual intercourse, pain during defecation, irregular periods, painful heavy bleeding, absent periods, nausea, abdominal cramps, and in some cases, infertility.
Endometriosis is difficult to diagnose, and many women do not know that they have endometriosis. Endometriosis, after diagnosis, is treated by medications, hormone therapies, surgery to remove endometriosis tissues, and in serious complicated situations, surgery to remove uterus.
Why Us:
With the support of advanced techniques,technologies and tools, we offer a great range of treatments for Endometriosis based on the severity of the case, and age. We provide the required treatments by the right understanding of the diagnosis and the patient’s concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Is it possible to get pregnant in the presence of endometriosis?
With endometriosis, there are possibilities of getting pregnant and successful childbirth. But the difficulty level and risk factors are higher comparatively. It’s hard to get conceived, and once conceived, there will be high risk pregnancy complications. The doctors will do frequent thorough monitoring to ensure the complications are not affecting the pregnancy and childbirth.

2. How to diagnose endometriosis?
When the symptoms of endometriosis occur or during the regular checkups, the doctors can look for abnormalities in the uterus. Doctors can detect through pelvic exams, and if needed, doctors recommend medical imaging like ultrasound, MRI, and blood tests to confirm the presence of endometriosis. Sometimes, Laparoscopy (a tool with a small camera sent inside through a small cut) can detect endometriosis.

3. How to lower the risk of getting endometriosis?
There is no definite way to avoid getting endometriosis, there are few ways to reduce the risk of getting it.
– Regular checkups and screening
– Exercise and have active lifestyle
– Healthy Balanced Diet
– Avoid alcohol.

4. Is it a life threatening condition?
Endometriosis is not a life threatening illness. But, in certain complicated cases, it may lead to life threatening situations like ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside uterus), small bowel obstruction (blockage of the intestine). An untreated endometriosis may cause chronic pelvic pain, ovarian cysts, infertility, urination issues.

5. Will endometriosis occur again after the treatment?
There are chances that the endometriosis will occur after treatment, within years. If only the endometriosis tissues are removed, and some tissues are left in the uterus, then the chances are higher. Only in complicated serious situations, doctors suggest removing the uterus to avoid the recurrence of the endometriosis.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the uterus. This is also known as leiomyomas or myomas. This is a non-cancerous benign tumor made up of uterine muscles, round in shape, different sizes, big sizes to microscopic sizes. This is a very common condition among women. 70% to 80% of the women get uterine fibroids at some point in their life, especially during child-bearing years. The causes of the formation of fibroids may be due to obesity, genetics, period starting at the early age, and estrogen levels.
Uterine fibroids cause heavy bleeding, abdominal pain and pain during menstruation. In some cases, it may cause fertility issues. Sometimes, there will not be any symptoms.
The treatment of the fibroids include medication and removal of the fibroids, based on the severity of the condition. Generally, the procedures are minimally invasive. The right diagnosis and effective treatment based on the diagnosis. And, in certain cases, the fibroids are sent for endometrial biopsy, tested for cancer.
Why Us:
Besides the consultation, our specialized doctors look at various issues that are concerned with the condition, and provide treatment to fix the situation, with effective consultation. We ensure that the regular screening and medical checkups are done to monitor any tumor’s presence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Will the uterine fibroids affect pregnancy and childbirth?
Generally, women who have fibroids can have a normal pregnancy, but in some cases, there will be complications, due to the size and position of the fibroids. There will be a chance of early miscarriage, abdominal pain if the fibroids grow, placenta abruption. There are chances of preterm delivery, and cesarean (C-section) delivery.

2. Can the fibroids cause infertility?
Depending upon the position and size of the fibroids, complications like infertility, difficulty in getting pregnant, early miscarriage, preterm delivery and cesarean (c-section) delivery occurs. The fibroids, if blocks the fallopian tube or stops a fertilized egg to be implanted in the uterus, will cause infertility.

3. Will the uterine fibroids turn into cancer?
A fibroid will not turn into cancer. But, it is difficult to differentiate cancerous and benign tumors just with pelvic exams, imaging or blood tests and this requires endometrial biopsy. So some tissues are taken from the uterus lining and tested for malignant cells.

4. What are the chances of recurrence of fibroids?
After the removal of the fibroids (myomectomy) from the uterus, there are high chances that they grow back again and there are chances of new fibroids growing in the uterus. In serious cases, the uterus is removed (hysterectomy) to avoid the fibroids growing again and again.

5. How to diagnose and treat Uterine Fibroids?
During regular pelvic exams, if the doctor found any abnormality in the uterus, then blood tests and medical imaging like ultrasound, MRI are recommended. Sometimes, the fibroids go undetected if they cause no harm and no symptoms. Once the uterine fibroids are diagnosed, doctors have a close watch on the size, position and severity of the fibroids. In normal conditions, medications are recommended. At An advanced level, the uterine fibroids are destroyed without any invasive surgeries. Some cases, the fibroids are removed by minimally invasive methods, leaving the uterus intact. When there are numerous, large or deep fibroids present, then the doctors have to make a decision of removing the uterus, by
analyzing the severity of the situation.

Ovarian cysts

The Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs which are non-cancerous benign cysts. Ovary cysts are very common, experienced by many women in their life. In general, ovary cysts do not require invasive treatments, sometimes resolve on their own. The functional cysts develop during the normal menstrual/reproductive cycle.
Ovary cysts do not cause hormonal imbalance like PCOS. Women may have ovarian cysts and do not have PCOS. Mostly it is a very commonly occurring condition, which may go unnoticed by women. But, in some cases, ovarian cysts may cause pelvic pain, heavy periods, irregular periods, frequent urination, pain during sexual intercourse, irregular bowel movements.
The medication of the ovarian cysts will be decided based on the size of the cyst, symptoms and the menopause. The ruptured cyst needs immediate medical attention as it causes serious issues. Sometimes, the cysts may be cancerous, which can be tested later. These cysts are treated after accurate diagnosis by our doctors after pelvic exam, and if needed, imaging tests such as MRI, ultrasound. Surgery is suggested only when the cysts are big, causing serious issues or when the cysts are ruptured.
Why Us:
Though ovarian cysts do not get noticed much in normal conditions, the cysts need treatment for serious cases. Our skilled experienced doctors diagnose the situation and provide the treatment based on the severity of the cysts, with the right care towards the patients. This needs regular monitoring to watch the condition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What causes pain during Ovarian Cyst?
The pain occurs in the following situations.
– Rupture/Splitting of the Cyst
– Bleeding
– Rapid Growth of the Cyst
– Twisting of the Cyst (Ovarian Torsion).

2. Is Ovarian Cyst a life threatening condition?
Ovarian Cyst, in general, is not dangerous at all. Many times, women do not even notice it. But, when the cysts grow, ruptures, bleeds or twists, the situation becomes serious. Based on the severity, there are chances of removal of the ovary. This is not a life threatening condition.

3. What are the tests to diagnose Ovarian Cyst?
The ways to diagnose ovarian cysts are as follows.
– Pelvic Exam
– Imaging Test (Ultrasound)
– Blood Test.

4. Is surgery necessary for Ovarian Cyst?
The surgery is needed when the cyst grows or the cyst ruptures or when the cyst is twisted and blood supply has been cut off. Cysts can be removed using Laparoscopy (Keyhole surgery).

5. What will happen if Ovarian cyst is present during pregnancy?
If the Cysts are present during pregnancy, they will disappear by 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, normally. And the cysts will be monitored for its growth to ensure the pregnancy is not affected. If the cysts grow and cause pain, and the seriousness of the situation escalates, then cysts will be removed by surgery.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is an infection of the reproductive organs of the female, which causes inflammation. Usually, the PID is caused by sexually transmitted bacteria from vagina, to uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Sometimes, this may be the result of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, or may be something which is not related to STIs.
Sometimes, there will be no major symptoms at all. Some of the symptoms of PID are pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, pain while urinating, heavy and painful periods, bleeding between periods, fever and unusual foul-smell vaginal discharge.
The PID gets diagnosed by pelvic exam, lab tests and ultrasound. Most of the time, the PIDs are treated by medications like antibiotics, and in serious conditions, it will be surgery. In certain cases, the untreated PIDs may lead to serious issues like infertility, ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the uterus).
Why Us:
After clear enquiry on the medical history of the patient, complete understanding of the diagnosis, we provide the right treatment to resolve the condition. To give the correct treatment, it is important to understand the test results and lifestyle of the patient, without which the diagnosis may go wrong and lead to wrong treatment. Our doctors ensure that this will not be the scenario.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What are the serious effects of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)?
Some of the serious effects of PIDs are as follows.
– Infertility
– Chronic pelvic pain
– Abdominal pain
– Ectopic Pregnancy (Pregnancy outside Uterus).

2. How to diagnose PIDs?
PID cannot be diagnosed by any single test. The doctor enquires about medical history, which includes general health, sexual activity of the patient, studies the symptoms and test results.
– Medical History
– Pelvic Exam
– Vaginal Culture test (for vaginal discharge)
– Blood test & Urine test
– Ultrasound
– Testing for STIs.

3. What is the duration to cure PIDs?
Antibiotics need to be taken orally for 2 weeks, besides taking antibiotics injection. The 2-week antibiotic course must be completed to ensure that the infection is cleared fully.

4. Who is more likely to get PIDs?
The risk of getting PID is high when the bacteria enters the vagina, uterus, ovary, and fallopian tubes.
Some situations are – .
– Unprotected Sexual Intercourse (Vaginal, Oral, Anal) & Multiple sexual partners causing Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) like gonorrhea and chlamydia.
– Douching (spraying of water) vagina often, as it removes healthy bacteria from vagina that protects against infection
– After miscarriage, childbirth, pelvic surgery
– Immediately after insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD).

5. When to see a doctor for PIDs?
When the condition becomes serious, immediate medical attention is needed.
– Severe abdominal pain
– Nausea and Vomiting
– Foul-smell vaginal discharge
– High fever
– Burning sensation during urination
– Bleeding between periods

Cervical cancer

Cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects with the vagina. Cervical cancer affects the cells of the cervix. Human PapillomaVirus (HPV), which is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), plays a major role in developing cancerous cells in the cervix.
In the early stage, there will be no to minimal symptoms, which may go unnoticed. But in later stages, the symptoms occur. Some of the symptoms of cervical cancer are vaginal bleeding after sex, after menopause, between periods, heavy and painful periods, vaginal discharge which is watery foul-smell or with blood, pain during sexual intercourse.
Cervical cancer is successfully treated if diagnosed in the early stages, and the best way to find it is regular medical checkups. As the cancer grows, the risk increases. This cancer screening is done by HPV test and Pap Test (Pap Smear). After the diagnosis, the further treatments include radical hysterectomy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy.
Why Us:
With the high-tech integrated approach to the diagnosis and treatments, we provide excellent medical assistance, after thorough diagnosis of the existing condition. Gynaecologic oncology provides diagnosis to treatment for cancerous and non-cancerous tumors which includes cervical cancer, fibroids, endometriosis.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. How to lower the risk of cervical cancer?
Risk of cervical cancer can be reduced by the following.
– From age 21, get a Pap test (to look for abnormal cells) and HPV test (to look for presence of HPV) regularly. Regular screening and follow-up are important.
– Get Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) vaccine shot. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) which causes cancer most of the time.
– Have protective sex, using condoms.
– Avoid smoking and second-hand smoking.

2. Does a virgin need to be screened for cervical cancer?
Doctors recommend regular screening for cervical cancer irrespective of the sexual history. The Pap test and HPV test need to be conducted on the cells of the cervix. Without sexual intercourse, the chance of having HPV presence is low, but there are other sexual contacts that can cause the HPV presence.

3. Is pregnancy possible after cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment?
Generally, cervical cancer is diagnosed in young women and their chance of getting pregnant after cervical cancer treatment completely depends upon the type of treatment received. If cervical cancer is diagnosed in the early stage and treated, the fertility chances are high and will be able to give birth. But, if it is an advanced stage of the cancer, then the chances of getting pregnant becomes very low as the advanced cancer will be treated by hysterectomy (surgical removal of uterus) or radiation.

4. What are the different stages of cervical cancer?
The different stages of the cervical cancer are –
– Stage I – Cancer has started to grow from cervix lining into the deeper tissues, but has not spread to other parts of the body.
– Stage II – Cancer has started to spread outside the cervix and uterus into the surrounding tissues such as vagina, but is still inside the pelvic area, not spread to the lower part of vagina or other parts of the body.
– Stage III – Cancer has spread to the pelvic wall and the lower part of the vagina, to nearby regional lymph nodes.
– Stage IV – Advanced cervical cancer has spread to the bladder or rectum, and to other parts of the body.

5. How to treat cervical cancer?
There are three ways the cervical cancer is treated.
– Surgery – An operation to remove cancer tissues.
– to cut away the cancer tissues only.
– to remove only the cervix and surrounding tissues.
– to remove the cervix and uterus.
– Chemotherapy – a drug treatment that uses chemical given orally and/or through vein to shrink or kill the cancer.
– Radiation – High-energy rays to kill cancer.

Vijay Hospital is one of the best hospital in Hyderabad,With proven credentials in delivering excellent healthcare for a wide range of health care services with personalised and ethical next generation medicine. It has clinical outcomes that are on par with international standards.



Opening Hours:

Huda Trade Center, Lingampally, Serilingampalle (M), Telangana 500019


Mo-Fr: 07:00-23:00h

Address: Huda Trade Center, Lingampall, Serilingampalle (M),Telangana 500019
Phone: +91-9010922255
Opening Hours: Mo-Fr: 07:00-23:00h


Huda Trade Center, Lingampally, Serilingampalle (M), Telangana 500019



Opening Hours:

Mo-Fr: 07:00-23:00h

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